uselotus / lotus

File .deepsource.toml not found in the default branch of the repository root. Please refer to the docs.

Avoid .bind() or local functions in JSX properties JS-0417
a year agoa year old
JSX props should not use arrow functions
 91        title="Plans"
 92        extra={[
 93          <Button
 94            onClick={navigateCreatePlan} 95            type="primary"
 96            size="large"
 97            key="create-plan"
JSX props should not use arrow functions
154        <CreateMetricForm
155          state={metricState}
156          visible={visible}
157          onSave={onSave}158          onCancel={onCancel}
159        />
160      </div>
JSX props should not use arrow functions
133          type="primary"
134          size="large"
135          key={"create-plan"}
136          onClick={createMetricButton}137        >
138          Create Metric
139        </Button>,
JSX props should not use arrow functions
155          state={metricState}
156          visible={visible}
157          onSave={onSave}
158          onCancel={onCancel}159        />
160      </div>
161    </PageLayout>
JSX props should not use arrow functions
36      title="Experiments"
37      extra={[
38        <Button
39          onClick={navigateCreatePlan}40          className="text-white"
41          size="large"
42          key={"create-plan"}