uselotus / lotus

File .deepsource.toml not found in the default branch of the repository root. Please refer to the docs.

Prefer using self closing instead of closing tag for components having no children JS-0468
a year agoa year old
Empty components are self-closing
 6const ViewSubscriptions: FC = () => {
 7  const [customers, setCustomers] = useState<CustomerTableItem[]>([]);
 9  return <div></div>;10};
12export default ViewSubscriptions;
Empty components are self-closing
431            Use
432          </Button>,
433        ]}
434        closeIcon={<div></div>}435      >
436        <div className="border-b border-gray-200 bg-[#F7F8FD] px-4 py-5 sm:px-6">
437          <h3 className="mb-5">Choose New Plan To Backtest</h3>
Empty components are self-closing
380        visible={replacePlanVisible}
381        onCancel={closeplanCurrentModal}
382        onOk={closeplanCurrentModal}
383        closeIcon={<div></div>}384      >
385        <div className="border-b border-gray-200 bg-[#F7F8FD] px-4 py-5 sm:px-6">
386          <h3 className="mb-5">Choose An Existing Plan To Replace</h3>
131        }
132      >
133        <div className="flex flex-col">
134          <p className="text-2xl font-main"></p>135          <p className="text-lg font-main">
136            Your previous key has been revoked
137          </p>
139            Your new key is:{" "}
140            {apiKey ? <Input value={apiKey} readOnly /> : "Loading..."}
141          </p>
142          <p></p>143        </div>
144      </Modal>
145    </div>