Empty slice literal used to declare a variable GO-W1027
12 occurrences in this check
Empty slice literal of type "[]test" used to define "tests"
299		}
300		return nil
301	}
302	tests := []test{303		// TODO test cases
304		/*
305		   {
Empty slice literal of type "[]grpc.ServerOption" used to define "opts"
1060		{
1061			name: "not set when opts is nil",
1062			checkFunc: func(opt Option) error {
1063				opts := []grpc.ServerOption{}1064				got := new(server)
1065				got.grpc.opts = opts
1066				opt(got)
Empty slice literal of type "[]grpc.ServerOption" used to define "opts"
1041	tests := []test{
1042		func() test {
1043			opts := []grpc.ServerOption{}1044
1045			return test{
1046				name: "set success",
Empty slice literal of type "[]struct {\n\tname\tstring\n\targs\targs\n\twant\t*DebugInfo\n}" used to define "tests"
 94	type args struct {
 95		v *info.Detail
 96	}
 97	tests := []struct { 98		name string
 99		args args
100		want *DebugInfo
Empty slice literal of type "[]struct {\n\tname\t\tstring\n\targs\t\targs\n\twantDetails\t[]Detail\n}" used to define "tests"
 31	type args struct {
 32		objs []interface{}
 33	}
 34	tests := []struct { 35		name        string
 36		args        args
 37		wantDetails []Detail
Empty slice literal of type "[]struct {\n\tname\tstring\n\targs\targs\n\twant\tstring\n}" used to define "tests"
 52	type args struct {
 53		objs []interface{}
 54	}
 55	tests := []struct { 56		name string
 57		args args
 58		want string
Empty slice literal of type "[]struct {\n\tname\tstring\n\targs\targs\n\twant\tproto.Message\n}" used to define "tests"
 73	type args struct {
 74		a *types.Any
 75	}
 76	tests := []struct { 77		name string
 78		args args
 79		want proto.Message
Empty slice literal of type "[]test" used to define "tests"
1075	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
1076		return nil
1077	}
1078	tests := []test{1079		// {
1080		// 	name: "just call Fatal",
1081		// 	args: args{
Empty slice literal of type "[]test" used to define "tests"
1150	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
1151		return nil
1152	}
1153	tests := []test{1154		// {
1155		// 	name: "just call Fatalf",
1156		// 	args: args{
Empty slice literal of type "[]test" used to define "tests"
1607	defaultCheckFunc := func(w want) error {
1608		return nil
1609	}
1610	tests := []test{1611		// {
1612		// 	name: "just call Fatald",
1613		// 	args: args{
Empty slice literal of type "[]test" used to define "tests"
307		}
308		return nil
309	}
310	tests := []test{}311
312	for _, tc := range tests {
313		test := tc
Empty slice literal of type "[]backoff.Option" used to define "defaultOptions"
435			}
436		}(),
437		func() test {
438			defaultOptions := []backoff.Option{}439			opts := []backoff.Option{
440				backoff.WithRetryCount(1),
441			}