Found manually copying of struct fields SCC-S1016
10 occurrences in this check
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 558			return test{
 559				name: "output success",
 560				args: args{ 561					format: w.format,
 562					vals:   w.vals,
 563				},
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 636			return test{
 637				name: "output success",
 638				args: args{ 639					vals: w.vals,
 640				},
 641				want: w,
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 874			return test{
 875				name: "output success",
 876				args: args{ 877					format: w.format,
 878					vals:   w.vals,
 879				},
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 320			return test{
 321				name: "output success",
 322				args: args{ 323					vals: w.vals,
 324				},
 325				want: w,
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 400			return test{
 401				name: "output success",
 402				args: args{ 403					format: w.format,
 404					vals:   w.vals,
 405				},
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 716			return test{
 717				name: "output success",
 718				args: args{ 719					format: w.format,
 720					vals:   w.vals,
 721				},
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
1032			return test{
1033				name: "output success",
1034				args: args{1035					format: w.format,
1036					vals:   w.vals,
1037				},
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 952			return test{
 953				name: "output success",
 954				args: args{ 955					vals: w.vals,
 956				},
 957				want: w,
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 794			return test{
 795				name: "output success",
 796				args: args{ 797					vals: w.vals,
 798				},
 799				want: w,
should convert w (type want) to args instead of using struct literal
 478			return test{
 479				name: "output success",
 480				args: args{ 481					vals: w.vals,
 482				},
 483				want: w,