willothy / worth

Found boolean assert comparison RS-W1024
a year agoa year old
Used assert_eq! macro with a boolean literal, consider using assert!(..)
 76        .wait_with_output()
 77        .expect("failed to execute process");
 79    assert_eq!( 80        output.status.success(), 81        true, 82        "\n\n------ Test Error ------\nProgram {} exited with non-zero status:\n\n{}\n---- End Test Error ----\n------- Test Out -------\nProgram {} exited with non-zero status:\n\n{}\n----- End Test Out -----\n", 83        &name, 84        unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stderr) }, 85        &name, 86        unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stdout) } 87    ); 88    let mut sim = test_bin::get_test_bin("worthc");
 89    sim.arg(file).arg("S");
 90    if let Some(args) = &args {
Used assert_eq! macro with a boolean literal, consider using assert!(..)
 47        .arg(&out_file)
 48        .output()
 49        .expect("failed to execute process");
 50    assert_eq!( 51        output.status.success(), 52        true, 53        "\n\n---- Compiler Error ----\nCompiler exited with non-zero status for program {}:\n\n{}\n-- End Compiler Error --\n\n", 54        &name, 55        unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(output.stderr) } 56    ); 57    let mut output = Command::new(&out_file);
 58    if let Some(args) = &args {
 59        //output.arg("--");
Used assert_eq! macro with a boolean literal, consider using assert!(..)
108        .wait_with_output()
109        .expect("failed to wait for process");
111    assert_eq!(112        sim_output.status.success(),113        true,114        "\n\n------- Sim Error ------\nSim for {} exited with non-zero status:\n\n{}\n----- End Sim Error ----\n",115        &name,116        unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(sim_output.stderr) }117    );118
119    assert!(
120        sim_output.stdout == output.stdout,