willtheorangeguy / Note-Style-Guide

Either all code paths should have explicit returns, or none of them JS-0045
5 months ago2 years old
Expected to return a value at the end of method 'callback'
11736            endSize: u,
11737            property: o,
11738            speed: i,
11739            callback: function () {11740              if (
11741                (n[0].AUtoggleInteration++,
11742                n[0].AUtoggleInteration === n[0].AUinterations)
Expected to return a value at the end of function
11684          ? (r.AUtoggleState = "closing")
11685          : u.stepSize > 0 && (r.AUtoggleState = "opening"),
11686          (function (t, i, a, r, l) {
11687            t.AUanimation = setInterval(function () {11688              if (i === l || 0 === r.steps) {
11689                if (
11690                  (e.animate.Stop(t),
Expected to return a value at the end of function
11291            );
11292          case "select":
11293            return (
11294              t.find("option").each(function (e) {11295                if (
11296                  ((this.selected = this.defaultSelected),
11297                  this.defaultSelected && !t[0].multiple)
10456      case "state":
10457      case "custom":
10458        $.get($element.find(".js-webform-message__link").attr("href"));
10459        return true;10460    }
10461  }
10462})(jQuery, Drupal);
 9383          .concat(this.options.url, ": ")
 9384          .concat(e.message),
 9385      );
 9386      return $.Deferred().reject(); 9387    }
 9388  };