willtheorangeguy / willtheorangeguy.github.io

Usage of comma operators should be avoided JS-0090
5 months ago6 months old
 383                      t.zoomedHd.removeAttribute("sizes"),
 384                      t.zoomedHd.removeAttribute("loading"),
 385                      (g = t.zoomedHd.addEventListener("load", function () {
 386                        t.zoomedHd.removeEventListener("load", g), 387                          t.zoomedHd.classList.add("medium-zoom-image--opened"),
 388                          t.zoomedHd.addEventListener("click", r),
 389                          document.body.appendChild(t.zoomedHd),
51        { isDarkTheme: t, themeMode: n }
52      );
53    }
54    (t = !0),55      (n = !1),
56      (window.wc = { darkLightEnabled: t, isSiteThemeDark: n }),
57      window.netlifyIdentity &&
4261  (i.default.fn.toast = _e._jQueryInterface),
4262    (i.default.fn.toast.Constructor = _e),
4263    (i.default.fn.toast.noConflict = function () {
4264      return (i.default.fn.toast = me), _e._jQueryInterface;4265    }),
4266    (t.Alert = d),
4267    (t.Button = h),
4258        t
4259      );
4260    })();
4261  (i.default.fn.toast = _e._jQueryInterface),4262    (i.default.fn.toast.Constructor = _e),
4263    (i.default.fn.toast.noConflict = function () {
4264      return (i.default.fn.toast = me), _e._jQueryInterface;
4217          } else e();
4218        }),
4219        (e._clearTimeout = function () {
4220          clearTimeout(this._timeout), (this._timeout = null);4221        }),
4222        (t._jQueryInterface = function (e) {
4223          return this.each(function () {