ynop / audiomate

Indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs FLK-E101
Bug risk
4 occurrences in this check
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
39    'ci': [
40        'flake8==3.7.9',
41        'flake8-quotes==2.1.1'
42    ],43}
45# Packages required for testing
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
36        'sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.3',
37        'pytest-benchmark==3.2.3',
38    ],
39    'ci': [40        'flake8==3.7.9',
41        'flake8-quotes==2.1.1'
42    ],
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
35        'Sphinx==2.4.4',
36        'sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.3',
37        'pytest-benchmark==3.2.3',
38    ],39    'ci': [
40        'flake8==3.7.9',
41        'flake8-quotes==2.1.1'
indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
27# Packages required for dev/ci enrionment
28EXTRAS = {
29    'dev': [30        'click==7.0',
31        'pytest==%s' % (PYTEST_VERSION_,),
32        'pytest-runner==5.2',