Logical operator can be refactored to optional chain JS-W1044
5 months ago5 months old
Prefer using an optional chain expression instead, as it's more concise and easier to read
10359            success && success()
10360          })
10361        }))
10362      : success && success()10363  })
10364})(typedoc || (typedoc = {})),
10365(function (typedoc) {
Prefer using an optional chain expression instead, as it's more concise and easier to read
10356        $el.on(typedoc.transition.endEvent, function () {
10357          noTransition($el, function () {
10358            $el.off(typedoc.transition.endEvent).css('height', ''),
10359            success && success()10360          })
10361        }))
10362      : success && success()
Prefer using an optional chain expression instead, as it's more concise and easier to read
 8121  var G = function (t, e) {
 8122    const i = e.error
 8123    e.error = function (n) {
 8124      i && i.call(e.context, t, n, e), t.trigger('error', t, n, e) 8125    }
 8126  }
 8127  return e
Prefer using an optional chain expression instead, as it's more concise and easier to read
 7866      )
 7867    },
 7868    execute: function (t, e, i) {
 7869      t && t.apply(this, e) 7870    },
 7871    navigate: function (t, i) {
 7872      return e.history.navigate(t, i), this
Prefer using an optional chain expression instead, as it's more concise and easier to read
 7820    r.error = function (t, e, i) {
 7821      (r.textStatus = e),
 7822      (r.errorThrown = i),
 7823      h && h.call(r.context, t, e, i) 7824    }
 7825    const u = (r.xhr = e.ajax(i.extend(a, r)))
 7826    return n.trigger('request', n, u, r), u