

Made by DeepSource
Replace local_action with delegate_to: localhost ANS-E5004

local_action is equivalent to delegate_to: localhost in terms of functionality, but it is not very readable, and does not match the style of typical Ansible tasks.

All tasks should be named uniquely ANS-E5002

Task names are optional, but extremely useful. In its output, Ansible shows you the name of each task it runs. Choosing names that describe what each task does and why improves readability. It also enables the usage of --start-at-task.

Package installs should not use latest ANS-E4003
Bug risk

Package installs should use state: present with or without a version. Use latest ONLY if they are supported by the underlying package module(s) executed.

become_user requires become to work as expected ANS-E5001
Bug risk

become_user without become: yes will not actually change user. When become is set to yes but become_user is not set, user root is set.

Shells that use pipes should set the pipefail option ANS-E3006
Bug risk

Without the pipefail option set, a shell command that implements a pipeline can fail and still return 0. If any part of the pipeline other than the terminal command fails, the whole pipeline will still return 0, which may be considered a success by Ansible. Pipefail is available in the bash shell.

Use command instead of shell ANS-E3005

Use shell only when shell functionality is required. Shell should only be used when piping, redirecting or chaining commands (and Ansible would be preferred for some of those!)

Referenced files must exist ANS-E5005
Bug risk

All files referenced by by include or import_tasks must exist. The check excludes files with jinja2 templates in the filename. Example :

Commands should not change things if nothing needs to be done ANS-E3001
Bug risk

Tasks should tell Ansible when to return changed, unless the task only reads information. To do this, set changed_when, use the creates or removes argument, or use when to run the task only if another check has a particular result.

Should not use command instead of arguments to modules ANS-E3002

Executing a command when there are arguments to modules is not recommended. Using command module is a bad idea, since it’s not idempotent in nature, the developer is responsible for handling the idempotency of the task.

Environment variables don't work as part of command ANS-E3004
Bug risk

Command module does not accept setting environment variables inline. Use environment: to set environment variables or use shell module which accepts both.

Use module instead of command ANS-E3003

Executing a command when there is an Ansible module is not recommended. Ansible has two generic ways of performing a task, using Ansible modules or using the command/shell module. Ansible modules are developed by the Ansible community and third party vendors like rpm , docker , kubernetes , yum , azure etc.

Relative path is not needed in role ANS-E4004

copy and template do not need to use relative path for src. This removes the need for knowing the location of the root directory.

Mercurial checkouts should have explicit revision ANS-E4002
Bug risk

All version control checkouts must point to an explicit commit or tag, not just latest. Relying on latest may lead to breakages in the application if the latest version is unstable or not meant for use with the current system.

Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers ANS-E5003

If a task has a when: result.changed setting, it is effectively acting as a handler. Sometimes you want a task to run only when a change is made on a machine. For example, you may want to restart a service if a task updates the configuration of that service, but not if the configuration is unchanged. Ansible uses handlers to address this use case. Handlers are tasks that only run when notified. Each handler should have a globally unique name.

Failed to parse the YAML file ANS-E9001
Bug risk

The Ansible analyzer failed to process this YAML file. It is possible that the file has syntax errors, or was not intended to be an Ansible file.

Found key duplication ANS-E9002
Bug risk

Avoid multiple entries with the same key in mappings.

Git checkouts must contain explicit version ANS-E4001
Bug risk

All version control checkouts must point to an explicit commit or tag, not just latest. Relying on latest may lead to breakages in the application if the latest version is unstable or not meant for use with the current system.