1nwf / Produx-v2

Non-interactive elements assigned mouse/keyboard event listeners JS-0760
8 months ago2 years old
Non-interactive elements should not be assigned mouse or keyboard event listeners
 79              tabIndex={0}
 80              className="p-2 shadow mt-[-8px] dropdown-content bg-base-100 rounded-xl w-50"
 81            >
 82              <li 83                className={`${ 84                  follow ? "active:bg-red-500" : "active:bg-blue-500 " 85                } p-2 m-0 cursor-pointer rounded-xl active:text-white`} 86                onClick={followHandler} 87              > 88                <a>{follow ? "unfollow" : "follow"}</a>
 89              </li>
 90            </ul>
Non-interactive elements should not be assigned mouse or keyboard event listeners
78                                <a>logout</a>
79                            </li>
80                            <hr />
81                            <li82                                onClick={() => dispatch(setShowStep1(true))}83                                className="p-2 active:bg-green-500 rounded-xl active:text-white"84                            >85                                <a>Create a Product</a>
86                            </li>
87                        </ul>
Non-interactive elements should not be assigned mouse or keyboard event listeners
71                                <a>Profile</a>
72                            </li>
73                            <hr />
74                            <li75                                className={`active:bg-red-500 p-2 m-0 cursor-pointer rounded-xl active:text-white`}76                                onClick={logoutHandler}77                            >78                                <a>logout</a>
79                            </li>
80                            <hr />
Non-interactive elements should not be assigned mouse or keyboard event listeners
64                            tabIndex={0}
65                            className="p-2  shadow z-40 fixed right-1 md:right-auto md:relative dropdown-content bg-base-100 rounded-xl min-w-max text-left"
66                        >
67                            <li68                                className={`active:bg-blue-500 p-2 m-0 cursor-pointer rounded-xl active:text-white`}69                                onClick={() => router.push('/profile')}70                            >71                                <a>Profile</a>
72                            </li>
73                            <hr />
Non-interactive elements should not be assigned mouse or keyboard event listeners
21            <div className="w-[100vw] h-[80px] fixed top-0 bg-[#f5f5f5] ">
22                <div className="grid grid-cols-3 justify-center align-middle text-center h-[80px] lg:gap-20 sm:gap-2">
23                    <div className="flex justify-left ml-10 items-center">
24                        <h125                            className="text-xl font-bold cursor-pointer"26                            onClick={() => router.push('/')}27                        >28                            Produx
29                        </h1>
30                    </div>