Huthaifa-Dev / project

Useless template literal found JS-R1004
2 months ago9 months old
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
206                    })}
207                    type="text"
208                    id="search"
209                    className={`form-control`}210                  />
211                  <Button
212                    type="button"
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
143                type="text"
144                placeholder="Search"
145                id="search"
146                className={`form-control`}147              />
148              <Button
149                type="button"
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
106                  })}
107                  type="text"
108                  id="search"
109                  className={`form-control`}110                />
111                <Button
112                  type="button"