kazimanzurrashid / aws-scheduler-go

Some analyzers or transformers are misconfigured in .deepsource.toml. Please refer to the docs.

  • ['github.com/kazimanzurrashid/aws-scheduler-go/graphql', 'github.com/kazimanzurrashid/aws-scheduler-go/collector', 'github.com/kazimanzurrashid/aws-scheduler-go/worker'] is not of type 'string' in meta for analyzer "go"

Useless template literal found JS-R1004
6 months ago6 months old
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
157      memorySize: 1024,
158      timeout: Duration.minutes(15),
159      tracing: Tracing.ACTIVE,
160      code: Code.fromAsset(`./../worker/dist`),161      environment: {
162        SCHEDULER_TABLE_NAME: schedulerTable.tableName
163      }
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
134      memorySize: 256,
135      timeout: Duration.minutes(15),
136      tracing: Tracing.ACTIVE,
137      code: Code.fromAsset(`./../collector/dist`),138      environment: {
139        SCHEDULER_TABLE_NAME: schedulerTable.tableName
140      }
Template string can be replaced with regular string literal
 85      memorySize: 512,
 86      timeout: Duration.seconds(30),
 87      tracing: Tracing.ACTIVE,
 88      code: Code.fromAsset(`./../graphql/dist`), 89      environment: {
 90        SCHEDULER_TABLE_NAME: schedulerTable.tableName
 91      }