prysmaticlabs / prysm

Non-idiomatic comment formatting GO-C4004
3 hours ago2 years old
put a space between // and comment text
191func BenchmarkSquareRootOldWay(b *testing.B) {
192	//Start with 700K validators' effective balance193	val := uint64(22400000000000000)
194	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
195		sqr := math.IntegerSquareRoot(val)
put a space between // and comment text
180func BenchmarkSquareRootBabylonian(b *testing.B) {
181	//Start with 700K validators' effective balance182	val := uint64(22400000000000000)
183	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
184		sqr := math.CachedSquareRoot(val)
put a space between // and comment text
242	EpochsPerSyncCommitteePeriod: 256,
244	// Updated penalty values.
245	InactivityPenaltyQuotientAltair:         3 * 1 << 24, //50331648246	MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientAltair:        64,
247	ProportionalSlashingMultiplierAltair:    2,
248	MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientBellatrix:     32,
put a space between // and comment text
 419// Test basic functionality of ActiveValidatorIndices without caching. This test will need to be
 420// rewritten when releasing some cache flag.
 421func TestActiveValidatorIndices(t *testing.T) {
 422	//farFutureEpoch := params.BeaconConfig().FarFutureEpoch 423	type args struct {
 424		state *ethpb.BeaconState
 425		epoch primitives.Epoch
put a space between // and comment text
54	err = ConfigurePersistentLogging(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s", testParentDir, existingDirectory, nonExistingSubDirectory, logFileName))
55	require.NoError(t, err)
57	//4. Create log file in a directory without 700 permissions58	existingDirectory = "test-4-existing-testing-dir"
59	err = os.Mkdir(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", testParentDir, existingDirectory), 0750)
60	if err != nil {